Sunday, July 18, 2010

Something Wyrd this way comes...

I'm happy to say that Malifaux, a game I have had my eye on since its creation, has finally started to pick up at my LGS. While stumbling through their site and forums trying to decide which crew to pick up I ran across Wyrd's post regarding their GenCon releases, and their new line of terrain really got my eye! (the castle/street and sewer one in particular)

They will retail for about $50, and from what I have read a single box will cover about a 6ft square area. 2 boxes (so $100) will easily fill a full table and allow for second levels, if not a 3rd level) for a good part of the board. Aside from just Malifaux, they could easily be used for other games as well... Mordheim and Necromunda quickly spring to mind. Materials wise, I'm expecting a thick cardstock like material (similar to boards used in standard boardgames) but I'm not sure until I get to see it up close. Either way, if you are like me and are currently lacking a large amount of terrain for gaming, this could be a rather inexpensive way to create some dynamic playing surfaces that you can alter after every game!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm with Terminus!

So, the latest league has come and gone, so this post is a bit overdue. I ended up playing my Cryx in the Blasted Heath, and played Terminus exclusively to great success at 15 pt, 25 pt, and 35 pt levels. My standard 35 pt list was:

Lich Lord Terminus +4
Stalker -4

Mechanithralls (full)-5
3 Brute Thrall -3
Mechanithralls (full)-5
2 Brute Thrall -2
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls -2
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls -2
The Withershadow Combine -5
Madelyn Corbeau -2
Pistol Wraith -3
Pistol Wraith -3*
3 Scrap Thrall -1*
Warwitch Siren -2

* at 1st, I ran Darragh Wrathe but swapped him for another pistol wraith with the scrap thralls as filler due to the local jack/beast heavy meta.

I think for the most part the list just caught people unaware. It only took 1 game of having an infantry unit wiped out to give Terminus 30+ armor before people stopped bringing infantry all together, and only brought jacks/beasts! Don't get me wrong, there are tons of bad match ups for Terminus and the above list can surely be tweaked to an even greater level... I think part of the appeal for me is that he seemed to just threw a wrench into the gameplay typically seen at my LGS. Needless to say, thanks to all the success I had with him in the league, Terminus is now officially my homeboy! He is also probably the most hated Warcaster at my LGS now as well! *evil grin* If you have not already done so, give him a try!